Ukraine resistance

The war is dragging along, slowly, Russia claim that they never wanted to conquer the integrality of Ukraine (Hogwash), Putin may be sick after all, terminally sick, unknown, but clue are piling up, the question is, does his sickness had an influence on why he wanted to conquer Ukraine, that’s the question . Russia reverted…

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Ukraine War

I can’t say the war in Ukraine was a surprise, what was ,was the scope of it really, it was fully expected that Putin was going to take the east of Ukraine, with maybe a strip of land between Crimea and the newly conquered eastern part of Ukraine. Now total war to conquer all of…

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Ukraine conflict

Geopolitics is a complex subject, the world is all tangled together with commercial interest, secret desire, old grudge and the lot. In a world still battling Covid-19, even though most country are trying to put it behind, there’s still a possibility that it will bite us in the ass on the medium term, but clearly…

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Confirmation bias

We know how confirmation bias work for a long time, we also know that confirmation bias were exacerbated by the internet, and social media . And now we have crises, who polarize those biased opinion (Covid-19 and the killing of George Floyd/Ahmaud Arbery, and much more) …. It’s all around us, reasonable people will take…

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