Confirmation bias

We know how confirmation bias work for a long time, we also know that confirmation bias were exacerbated by the internet, and social media . And now we have crises, who polarize those biased opinion (Covid-19 and the killing of George Floyd/Ahmaud Arbery, and much more) …. It’s all around us, reasonable people will take…

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The Sweden case

The Sweden case, is interesting, but mainly need to be put in perspective. Some group (The kind who manifest with gun to end the lockdown) will claim that Sweden didn’t take any drastic measure to fight covid-19,they  look at their number, and find them appealing …. So let’s see what’s what … Sweden is a…

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The “It’s not worse than the flu” crowd

Ok, this is a rant, steam have to come out sometime, it’s one of those moment In the last weeks, and months, i debated with people, on what to do about Covid-19, how to react, i’m all about civilized discussion and the right to dissent . But to have a civilized conversation, we must agree…

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